PIC – PIH Information Center is a major HUD system that is used for data collection, analysis and program support. PIC MTCS (Multifamily Tenant Characteristics System) is the main workhorse of PIH and it collects important details of HUD tenant base data such as identifiers, incomes, assets, etc. The web front end of the system is used all across the nation by a very large user base of housing authorities and HUD field officials. The benefits Shiva is providing to HUD include but are not limited to:
- Development of web front end using JavaScript, MS SQL Server, ASP, and Visual Basic.
- Maintenance and production support of the front end and middle tier COM components.
- Technical problem resolution and User support.
- Creation of document standards in accordance with SDM; documentation of PIC MTCS components.
- Design and implementation of FRS 2000, the main client tool for data collection and submission.
- Detailed business process analysis
- Detailed functional and reporting analysis
- System analysis
- System design and development
- System integration with internal and external systems
- Testing and quality control
- Implementation and rollout